IQTN is delighted to announce the dates and venues for its next three plenary meetings.
Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 March 2023 – CCQ Flatiron, New York City
Wednesday 26 – Friday 28 July 2023 – TUM Raitenhaslach, Burghausen
Wednesday 24 – Friday 26 January 2024 – TIC, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
These meetings will build upon our inaugural meeting at University College London, from 27-29 June 2022, which introduced the network and its aim to foster tensor network ideas in quantum software. The aim is to identify further developments and opportunities, and to broaden the network to include new ideas and people from the broader quantum computation community.
The details and registration process for each meeting will be released in due course. Please consider subscribing to the IQTN mailing list to receive updates by email.