The third plenary meeting of the IQTN took place in the beautiful grounds of the TUM Akademiezentrum Raitenhaslach in the town of Burghausen. The meeting was co-organised by Frank Pollmann, and generously hosted and supported by TUM. 90 people attended in person with 60 joining virtually.

A wide set of topics were discussed at the meeting from out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics to machine learning the properties of correlated quantum systems and proofs of privacy in machine learning with tensor networks, from experimental demonstrations of atomic and superconducting quantum simulators of many-body quantum systems to the role of tensor networks in facilitating new ways to simulate gauge theories. The poster-room was particularly well-used with intense discussions in the breaks. Each day of the meeting ended with a lively panel discussion with the day’s speakers.
We would like to thank TUM for allowing us to use such a grand but intimate venue for our meeting.
Our next plenary meeting will take place in Glasgow in January 2024.