The workshop “Quantum circuits and non-equilibrium dynamics”, organised by Bruno Bertini, Juan P. Garrahan, Adam Smith, and Austen Lamacraft, took place in Cambridge from the 17th to the 19th of April 2023.
The workshop involved 27 participants and its main aims were to:
(i) Help maintain and expand UK leadership in this area;
(ii) Provide a focus for wide-ranging research activities in this novel area;
(iii) Generate new synergies between academia and industry;
(iv) Promote the application of tensor network techniques beyond their usual domains, including new ways of thinking about QCs and non-equilibrium physics; (v) Formulate new challenges for quantum computers and their classical simulation.

In addition to presentations of state-of-the-art research in quantum circuits, the meeting also involved several discussion sessions where the participants had time to interact with each other, which should hopefully lead to new joint projects and collaborations.