The second meeting of IQTN took place in New York City from 1-3 March to great success. The meeting was co-organised by Miles Stoudenmire, and generously hosted and supported by the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ). 90 attended in-person, with a further 80 joining virtually from locations across the world.
After welcome remarks from CCQ Director, Antoine Georges, scientific proceedings commenced. The sessions covered a variety of themes including: How focus upon local observables can in some situations permit efficient classical simulation for long times – both tightening the bounds on quantum advantage in simulation and potentially inspiring new quantum algorithms; running tensor network simulations in higher dimension; topological order in tensor network states and its realisation in real devices using innovative measurement and post-selection methods. The meeting ended with a series of presentations on the use of tensor network ideas beyond the simulation of quantum systems, showing how these methods can outperform current approaches and perhaps open the door to quantum implementations.

Credit: Emily Tan, for Simons Foundation
Discussions between sessions were very lively with much use made of CCQ’s ample blackboard space!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Events and Administration team at CCQ for their invaluable support in organising the meeting, and CCQ leadership for their financial support.
We are also grateful to Iulia Georgescu from Nature Review Physics, who gave an informal presentation via Zoom on writing, editing and publishing in journals. This was particularly appreciated by the Early Career Researchers in the audience.
Our next plenary meeting in Germany will take place in late July 2023.