The Inaugural meeting of the IQTN was held at University College London a few weeks ago to great success. Approximately 120 attended in-person, with a further 30 joining virtually from diverse global locations.
The talks (available here) ranged from the theoretical works on how tensor networks can be used in quantum simulation (Banuls, Eisert) and machine learning (Choi, Zoufal), to their implementation on actual devices (Smith, Roushan, Eichler, Hauschild, Foss-Feig, Zoufal), and how new insights about contracting tensor network descriptions of quantum circuits are raising the bar for the next generation of quantum computers (Grey, Stoudenmire, Zhang).
The meeting ended with an open discussion to identify potential themes for future meetings. These included:
- Where is quantum useful?
- How broad can the scope of tensor networks be?
- Efficient contraction schemes for 2d dynamics.
- Tensor networks for general quantum algorithms.
- The connection of tensor networks to probabilistic modeling
- Classification of phases using tensor networks
Network Partners also received suggestions for groups with whom the network should connect, including the high energy physics community and the mathematical tensor-trains community.
Please consider proposing a focused workshop on Network Themes – applications open shortly.
In the meantime, the Network has begun the planning its next plenary meeting …