Dates: 17-19 April 2023
Venue: Cambridge, UK
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts working at the intersection of quantum circuits (QCs) and nonequilibrium dynamics. The dynamics of QCs provides a physical realisation of tensor networks and is at the centre of intense recent activity in quantum many-body physics and experimental tests of quantum advantage. Building on the UK’s strength in this area, a short, focused workshop will catalyse further activity and help generate new collaborations within academia, industry, and with international partners.
Workshop Organisers:
Bruno Bertini, Nottingham
Juan P. Garrahan, Nottingham
Austen Lamacraft, Cambridge
Adam Smith, Nottingham
Confirmed Speakers: Benjamin Beri (Cambridge), John Chalker (Oxford), Amos Chan (Lancaster), Pieter Claeys (MPIPKS), Bob Coecke (Quantinuum), Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge), Sarang Gopalakrishnan (Princeton), Andrew Green (UCL), Curt von Keyserlingk (KCL), Katja Klobas (Nottingham), Pavel Kos (MPQ), Adam Nahum (ENS Paris), Arijeet Pal (UCL) Frank Pollmann (TUM), Tomaz Prosen (Ljubljana), Grace Sommers (Princeton), Thorsten Wahl (Cambridge)
Please note this is a closed meeting. Please contact iqtn@ucl.ac.uk with questions.