Dates: 12-14 December 2023
Venue: The Cosener’s House, Abingdon (near Oxford)
This workshop will advance the theoretical understanding and the development of numerical algorithms for the representation of chiral topological phases of matter in two dimensions. The topic raises fundamental questions about the representational power of tensor networks and in particular projected entangled pair states, the structure of the resulting chiral tensor networks and in particular their entanglement spectrum, the connections to conformal field theories, and how to incorporate these insights into the development of new algorithmic approaches to two-dimensional tensor networks.
Workshop Organisers:
Didier Poilblanc, CNRS / LPT Toulouse
Gunnar Möller, University of Kent
Frank Verstraete, DAMTP – University of Cambridge / University of Ghent
Norbert Schuch, University of Vienna
Confirmed Speakers include:
Thorsten Wahl (Cambridge); Carolin Wille (Oxford); Laurens Vanderstraeten (Brussels); Mark Arildsen (SISSA); Nicolas Regnault (Paris / Princeton); Juraj Hasic (Amsterdam); Anne Nielsen (Aahus); German Sierra (Madrid); Mathieu Mambrini (Toulouse) |